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LKMethod Provides At Cost Citrix Licensing to Help Organizations with Remote Users

Lyndall Kirkes, CEO of LKMethod announced on March 18th that his company will provide “at cost” Citrix Licensing to help struggling organizations give remote media access to their customers and users, employees, students, or partners during the COVID-19 crisis.  LKMethod will provides Secure Application Delivery solutions to high security organizations, like universities, healthcare providers, financial institutions, and contact centers at cost.

“I have seen many companies trying to get quotes and place orders for Citrix products.  There are rumors of price gouging for additional partner margin.  This is just downright wrong.  Effective immediately, LKMethod will offer Citrix products at OUR cost for all organizations expanding their remote workforce because of COVID-19,” Kirkes said.

The move by LKMethod will play a pivotal role in keeping organizations in business, their employees productive, and help to limit economic impact..  LKMethod will provide this solution until business is back to normal and the crisis for corporate IT is over.

LKMethod is the go-to for Citrix products and solutions in the Western United States.  The “LKMethod” is a combination of the LKMethod “Reference Architecture” and “WarpSpeed Delivery” process, allowing companies to deploy secure business critical Apps to their users securely, to any device or location at WarpSpeed.