Host Level

Securing that On-prem Data

Software, Only as Secure as the Host it Sits on

There is still a significant amount of on premises data that is also communicating with public cloud storage in a hybrid format. This means you must protect your east and west traffic from host to host on premises,  secure the communication between the host and the cloud storage, and be ready to restore and recover all that data in the event of an outage or breach.

Modernize Your Business with the Leading HCI Platform

Power your business with advanced cloud technologies and simplify how you procure, deploy, and manage IT services.  Our host solution delivers DOD level protection factory direct, an appliance that is security hardened.

  • Prevent malware spread and reduce attack surfaces by limiting applications to only what’s needed.

  • Keep things simple by leveraging machine learning to determine the right configuration.

  • Securely and easily implement robust multi-tenancy in your environment.

  • Stretch networks across clouds for seamless workload migration and failover.

  • Protect your workloads and data from disaster by replicating to other HCI clusters or to the cloud.

  • Apply your HCI environment with simple and robust virtual switch management.

A Substancial Reduction in Operational Costs

As we know most of our costs come from our infrastructure, more servers, more storage, more networking, and more virtualization. This means more data centers, real estate, staff, and utility costs. All of this can be reduced – drastically reduced saving millions.  

  • Software Solutions: NCI includes a full set of enterprise capabilities so you can modernize your cloud infrastructure without giving up any of your favorite features.

  • Hardware Solutions: Deploy NCI software on a wide range of highly configurable server form factors from your favorite server manufacturers.

Make Our Method Your Solution of Choice!     Sales: 1-833-424-8749   |   Message Us