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99% of App Security Solutions are Non-Compliant

Did you know 99% of the companies that we walk into today are not compliant. Most of these issues stem from products or solutions being implemented wrong.  Being Non-Compliant can result in very high fines and data a very big loss of “peace of mind” for not only the company but its customers.

An entire market segment, a new industry, an economy has been developed around Compliance.  Businesses spend billions per year in an effort to achieve and retain compliance.  Professionals are hired, processes are developed, standards adhered to, training, … and lots more!

The graphic above identifies the areas that “the business” tends to focus on.  This can be overwhelming and can lead to the war cry that “We MUST Comply, We MUST Comply, We MUST Comply”.  When this happens it is likely that the complexity of the technology increases exponentially and the ease-of-use, or dare I say efficiency for employees decreases.  I’ve also found that “Being Compliant” for some reason typically equates to organizations being less nimble and slower to move technologically.

After today’s conversation, we’d like to leave you with one simple thought to ponder. It is possible to be nimble and flexibly in your technology, it is possible to increase efficiencies and ease-of-use for your users, and it is possible to decrease the complexity of the technology – ALL WHILE ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING COMPLIANCE!  I also contend that in many instances, you already own the technology to accomplish this and it wasn’t architected in a way to ensure the above claim.